Ieva Šinkūnaitė, Product manager
May 17, 2024, 3 min read
Key Strategies for Managing Information Overload

Ieva highlights five essential techniques that aid decision-making and combat information overload:

  • Delve Deep with "5 Whys": Don't hesitate to ask questions, even seemingly basic ones. Embrace curiosity and delve into the core of a problem by asking "Why?" repeatedly. This technique unravels layers of complexity, leading you closer to the root cause.

  • Embrace Distraction: Step back to gain perspective. Stepping away – whether through a walk or music – refreshes the mind and enhances focus. "Adroiti“ provides its employees with the perfect opportunity to work at their most productive time, which makes this move very worthwhile.

  • Simplify Complexity: The ability to simplify complex ideas is crucial. If you can explain it to a child, you can communicate it effectively to anyone. Clear, concise communication not only enhances understanding but also accelerates problem-solving.

  • Cultivate Curiosity: Foster a curious mindset. Exploring diverse topics fosters innovative problem-solving. Even if you may need to look at things that are not directly related to your job, such as looking at finances when you are a team leader, let’s do it!

  • Tailor Communication: When working in a team, information is gathered to be shared, so we need to think about those to whom the message is being delivered. Understand your audience. Effective communication hinges on delivering information in a manner that resonates with the recipient.

Strategies for Targeted Searches

According to Ieva, the more specific the question, the easier it is to find the answer, but it may be that you can't find the information quickly, so it's a good idea to look at the same question from a different angle, to use a different keyword in the search engine, or to use artificial intelligence tools (such as ChatGPT) to help you formulate the keywords.

Ieva shares her tips:

  • Broaden Your Horizon: Include different sources, i.e. collect different answers to the same question;

  • Discern Credibility: Distinguish reputable sources from unreliable ones to streamline your search efforts.

  • Let Ideas Settle: Allow the information you have gathered to "settle" in your head, fostering deeper understanding and informed decisions.

  • Synthesize Insights: Distil key takeaways from multiple sources into a coherent summary, facilitating clarity amidst the noise.

Evaluating Online Sources

In an era of abundant information, critical appraisal is paramount. Ieva provides a roadmap for gauging source reliability:

  • Scrutinize Origins: Exercise caution with product-centric content, favouring impartial sources for unbiased information.

  • Assess Credibility: Verify the reputation and trustworthiness of the source to ascertain reliability.

  • Navigate Clarity: Seek coherence and lucidity in the text, steering clear of convoluted or overly promotional content.

  • Consider Context: Evaluate relevance within the broader context of your search, ensuring alignment with your objectives.

  • Connect with Authors: Personal rapport with an author can offer insights into their expertise and credibility.

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